Who is Reihl Kir to you?
Exhibition Design
Exhibition Design

The interpretive travelling exhibition, originally set at the Center for Cultural Decontamination (CZKD) in Belgrade, after its opening, visited Zagreb, Ljubljana, Brčko, Sarajevo, and Osijek.
Discipline: Exhibition Design
Producer: Center for Cultural Decontamination (CZKD)
Location: Pavilion Veljković, Belgrade
Authors: Aleksa Bijelović, Milica Maksimović — Petokraka, and Nenad Trifunović

Josip Tvrtko Reihl-Kir, a Slavonian whose parents, a Slavonian German father and a Croatian mother, were Partisan veterans of the Second World War; first a high school teacher, and then a professional policeman with a brilliant career, the head of the police department in Osijek was killed on July 1, 1991, at 13.20 h at the entrance to the village of Tenja. So that the slaughter could begin. So that violence would be freed from all historical, legal, moral and human responsibility.
The authors of the exhibition visual setup Metaklinika/Petokraka "opened the cabinets" in Reihel Kir's office, the station, and in them, there is documentation about the murder, instead of suits, clippings from the press, testimonies, photographs hanging on the racks.
— Excerpt from a text by Borka Pavićević 1
The authors of the exhibition visual setup Metaklinika/Petokraka "opened the cabinets" in Reihel Kir's office, the station, and in them, there is documentation about the murder, instead of suits, clippings from the press, testimonies, photographs hanging on the racks.
— Excerpt from a text by Borka Pavićević 1

Creative Practice — Petokraka
In Belgrade, Serbia
and Perth, Western Australia
In Belgrade, Serbia
and Perth, Western Australia